Newsy !

Hi there! I have just come across this great website where you can practice (once again) your listening skills. You can choose among world, politics, business, health, etc so you will surely find some topics interesting.
There you will see the script below the video (you should read them AFTER listening to the video)
Enjoy them!

Using the brain to move a robotic arm

Hello! Here I'm posting a video from Voice of America, I think it is a great webpage where you can practice your listening skills. Remember you should listen first and after you get the idea of the audio you can read the script. In this way you will check whether you understood correctly or not. This video is about health, but you can choose among other interesting topics


I am back again!!!

Hello dear students! It's been a long time since I last wrote a post here, and as you know, the reason for this absence was Sofia. Who is she? She is my little daughter, she was born on 8th August and since then my life has changed. I really enjoy this time with her, but I also have to say that she demands lots of time, and guess some of the activities that I had to stop doing? Yes, this blog, I have neglected it but now I hope to resume my posts, which I also hope will be useful for all my students.

I think a great way to start again is with music, and there is a song that I know many of you love!!