I hope you are fine and eager to learn how to pronounce
the regular verbs in the past =)
the regular verbs in the past =)
If you are one of my students at level 3 or up, you will surely know how much I stress the importance of a good pronunciation of these verbs. If you are not one of my students, then I tell you: YOU SHOULD PAY ATTENTION WHEN YOU PRONOUNCE THE VERBS IN THE PAST!
Ok, having said this, let's see how we pronunce them:
We have three different ways to pronounce the verbs in the past:
1- Verbs ending in voiced sounds in infinitive, you will pronounce the 'ed' as 'd'
Great! But what on Earth is a 'voiced sound'?
Many consonant sounds come in pairs. For example, P and B are produced in the same place in the mouth with the tongue in the same position. The only difference is that P is an unvoiced sound (no vibration of the vocal cords) while B is a voiced sound (vocal cords vibrate).
Put your hand on your throat as you say the pairs below to feel the difference.
Put your hand on your throat as you say the pairs below to feel the difference.
Now that you know what a voiced and voiceless sound is,
we can continue with the explanation!
we can continue with the explanation!
2- Verbs ending in voiceless sound in infinitive, you will pronounce the 'ed' as 't'
3- Verbs ending in 't' OR 'd' sound in infinitive, you will pronounce the 'ed' as 'id'
In the next post we will deal with the pronunciation of some IRREGULAR VERBS.
Take care and study hard!!